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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

malaysia turns 48

courtesy of Miss YC Phoon

Sempena Hari Merdeka ke-48, saya akan berbelog dalam bahasa kebangsaan kita.


Hokay, that was my feeble attempt in trying to blog in my national language. I'm embarrass to admit that I can't, for the life of me speak or write in proper BM any longer ...

Anyway, before I go off tangent, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all you Malaysians out there a very Merry 48th Merdeka Day!!

I've never taken myself to be patriotic but somehow being away from home for the past 2 years have made me come to love and appreciate Malaysia for all that she is- different varieties of yummylicious food, 365 days of sunshine, shopping complexes that open till 10pm, 24/7 mamak stalls, cheap food and friggin' cheap shoes!! Okay, I'm veering..

The thing is, I still love my country in spite of the not-so-very-fair quota system, the ever present government corruption, the also not-to-say-very-fair policies, the hush-hushed racial discrimination, the God-forsaken public toilets (although I have to say that there's been a big improvement in this not-so-nice-smelling-and-looking area), the, at times, very-impatient-and-inconsiderate road users and.. a whole load of flaws.

Yup, I love 'em all (despite whining about it once in a while)- the bad, the good, the smell, the heat, the haze...

A few non-M'sians have asked me why in the world would I still want to return to my country
and my reply was and will always be: Nothing beats home. Period.

It's the Malaysian culture dude! So stop complaining (at least for today), embrace it and enjoy!

Have a wonderful day people =) Go do something productive!

Yes, as you can see, I'm doing my level best to achieve that jalur gemilang look ;) Hey! It's our independence day laaa!!

Oh, did I mention that I love our la, li, lohs and mehs too?

In3caTe jotted @ 8:59 pm

Saturday, August 27, 2005


courtesy of Miss YC Phoon

I know one day we'd be cool too..

It's just a matter of when?

In3caTe jotted @ 6:44 pm

Friday, August 26, 2005

i think i love you!!

Al, you're an absolute darling. The fact that we've 'met' only through cyberspace tells me that this friendship of ours' beyond extraordinary. No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Making a trip down under to thank you would definitely be worth the $$$. And I'll bring these along ;)


I'm sha.. sha.. shakin' it outta my system for sure!!






p/s: dang girl.. you're HOTTT!!

In3caTe jotted @ 3:09 am

Thursday, August 25, 2005

if music be the food of love, play on

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent."

- Victor Hugo

In3caTe jotted @ 11:35 pm

Monday, August 22, 2005

you have a gift of a different kind

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:
"What! You, too? Thought I was the only one"."

- C.S. Lewis.

Thank you Ms. Tallulah.

In3caTe jotted @ 5:41 am

Sunday, August 14, 2005

why cacing is *precious to me

I was on the phone with her the other day. We happened to talk about the state of our CF in Newc and how we wished it was more gungho ...

*precious cacing: Like you know, FGT having their Youth Rally tomorrow and they started praying for it six months ago! How come our CF not like that ah?

me: Well, coz they church mah. They plan their programmes one year ahead wan la. That's why can.

*precious cacing: Mm.. ya lah, ya lah. Eh, come we start our own church.

me: Means one of us must become a pastor wei..

*precious cacing: Har! No need la. Marry pastor can ade!

me: Hahahha.. how convenient!

Wah, can die! HAhaha..

*precious cacing: Well, ya mah. If you wanna be rich, marry rich man. If you want to start a church, marry a pastor.


Cacing's *precious because she comes up with the most 'incredible' solutions!


You cannot help but love her..


In3caTe jotted @ 6:57 am

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I started out with having something to write about. My attention was diverted however to this beauty I've been wanting to buy so badly. 'Tis indeed sad that I don't earn my own income.

In3caTe jotted @ 9:32 am

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

1 year old

It has been a year since I started blogging.

Not bad for someone who's easily bored with things, I must say.

eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Drove down your road this morning. Well.. not exactly, but near enough. 'Twas bittersweet.

Wouldn't it be ideal if we could erase all the memories which causes one to hurt, just like in the movie?
It only hurts because we shared the best times together ...

It's not often I blog about you but I figured, "What the hey! You're too beautiful to not mention."

In3caTe jotted @ 7:03 pm

Monday, August 08, 2005

i am letting you go

"I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love."

- Mother Teresa

Let this goodbye of ours, this last goodbye,
Be still and splendid like a forest tree . . .
Let there be one grand look within our eyes
Built of the wonderment of the past years,
Too vast a thing of beauty to be lost
In quivering lips and burning floods of tears.

- Alice Meynell

In3caTe jotted @ 9:27 am

Sunday, August 07, 2005

"... how about pouring molten lava into the hole where somebody ripped your heart out?"

- Vanity Fair

Unbelievable how much it still hurts.

Well, at least the crying has stopped.

That's progress, no?

In3caTe jotted @ 2:35 am

Friday, August 05, 2005

grace is not fair

"TO LOVE A PERSON means to see him as God intended him to be."

- Fyodor Dostoevsky


Someone from cg shared about his struggle with homosexuality and how God had freed him of this bondage. As I sat there listening to him, I couldn't help but go "Wow.." (in my head) at his courage to speak openly about it to us. He then went on to share of the amazing grace he received from the pastors and counselors he spoke to.

Think about it, how many people have you come across that have actually shared with you about their struggles with such sins; sexual bondages? It is a very difficult thing to do. The majority would definitely prefer to remain anonymous and lead a double 'hush-hush' life than cough it up and confess it because it is more painless. No one enjoys being judged, rejected and mocked at.

Thing is, I'm so honoured to be part of a cell group that is real, no facades. To allow others to see that we are far from perfect, that we face similar problems or issues in life which, would be too embarrassing to talk about in our 'everyday setting'. It made me feel that I too can be open and transparent about my life and to know that the people there will not judge me but instead would help me with my struggles. And at the end of it all, to know that God'll lavishly shower His grace and mercies upon me.


In3caTe jotted @ 3:57 am

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

i am bored, can't you tell?

Your Hidden Talent
Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people.
You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together.
Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly.
People crave your praise and complements.

In3caTe jotted @ 12:07 am

Monday, August 01, 2005

blast from the past

Loneliness can be pretty overwhelming. Seldom do I encounter feelings of this sort. It's probably because I've managed to fill my days with people time, until I take a break from it all and have some Cheryl time. I am referring to that of which can only be provided by a significant other, if you didn't get it the first time around. Guess I just miss being cared for in that way, sometimes..


I miss the good old days; when everyone's still with everyone. And when everyone's still around!!

You waited for me the whole day while I attended my first class at ATC. Only you would do that for me, I know...

permanent residence

The other day, while having 'family time', dad brought the subject up.

"Uncle Cheng Un asked daddy when we're migrating to Australia."
"Huh? Since when were you serious 'bout it la dad??"
"Yea, got papers and all"
mum piped in.
"Har!! When? Where? Melbourne ah??"
"See first la.

I'm thinking, we can't just up and go man. I've got like dunno-how-many-more years in UK (ok, let's not even go there) and my brother's only going to Curtin next year. I reckon my dad's really tired of working. He's been planning on this great big retirement trip he and my mum will take and then finally settling down somewhere, Melbourne perhaps..


Everyone I know wants to migrate to Australia after holidaying there. I'm serious. I'm not over exaggerating man. And in particular, Melbourne. Everyone wants to live there.

In3caTe jotted @ 11:04 pm

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