Monday, September 19, 2005
Lord, You know my every thought, You are familiar with all my ways, and know completely before a word is on my tongue. My heart, oh Lord, is burdened and heavy-laden. Lord, my spirit grows faint within me, I am drowning and I can barely breathe. Listen to my cry and have mercy on me, In Your faithfulness, oh Lord, come to my relief. In my distress I call out to my Lord; "Oh Lord, do not hide Your face from me, Show me Your compassion and Your grace, Let me receive new life and be set free." Deliver me from my prison, oh Lord, that I may exalt Your wonderful name. In3caTe jotted @ 7:56 pm
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
"... but what does it mean the right man? The love of your life? The concept is absurd. The idea that we can only be complete with another person is evil! Right?" -Celine from Before Sunset In3caTe jotted @ 3:10 pm