Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Hey, title sounds like one of those reality shows =) Anyway, I cooked dinner for the first time since I got back. Which, by the way isn't why my kitchen is hell-like, hhmmm.. or maybe it is. No matter. I've got curry splattered all over the hob, on my kettle, on the kitchen door !!! Muaahahah. Oh, and I spilled rice grains on the floor, kitchen counter, sink and cupboard while opening it and trying to scoop it out from the plastic thingy. And.. I cut myself while peeling potatoes, but that's just clumsy me *grins* But had a whole load of fun doing it =P Oh, oh, just to be clear here --> cy, I'm not implying anything ya. Really meant what I said about you being my guest and all. So, cy came over for din tonight and I had such a great time with our 'bonding' session. I'm so blessed to have her here ie in Newcastle. Even though we only see each other during weekends and sometimes not at all and we seldom speak on the phone, she makes sure that I'm still alive and kicking ;p Hey cy, thanx for coming over; thanx for listening to all my rants; thanx for putting up with my nonsense; thanx for being my friend. And, thanx for sharing your life with me; thanx for your laughter; thanx for your silliness; thanx for your concern; thanx for your thoughtfulness. And to you bioba, thank you for your friendship and introducing me to cy ;p Last, but so so not least, Lord, I just wanna shout out a BIG thank You for making our paths cross, for our friendship. Amen, Amen, Amen... p/s: cy, I'm sorry if I scared you with my weird antics =P *huggikins* EeeKk.. have to clean kitchen tomorrow !! In3caTe jotted @ 9:49 am
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