Friday, February 25, 2005
M E M O RIE S Are they? Given, they may not be the REAL thing and probably not half as good either, but aren't memories enough to hold relationships together? Relationships in general, not just lovers. As far as my experiences tell me, it varies between each individual. For some, you can just pick up where you've left off and for others, it just ain't enough. Every single day your mind creates an imprint of the people you come in contact with and stores them in your short term memory bank. At the end of the day, whether you transfer them into you long term memory, filter or block them out completely comes down to this: How important are they to you? And factors such as the degree and the extent to which the relationship was forged are considered too although, I'm pretty sure we do not consciously do this. You may also be amongst the many who are separated from your significant other by 40,000 miles of land and sea. Are memories enough? Do you try to convince yourself of something by constantly repeating it to yourself? Have you ever gone so far as to create false memories and psycho yourself into believing that they really happened? And then you become mad?? HAHah.. Nah, I'm just kidding. But wouldn't it be scary if one's relationship is sustained based on a myriad of illusions... I wouldn't be surprised if there are though. What about death? What if death comes and takes someone away from you? Do you not then hold on tightly to just the memories? Anyway, anyhow, anywho, memories may be lousy substitutes but they are substitutes nonetheless. I believe that people hold on to memories because sometimes, that is all they have, and for some.. 'tis priceless... In someone's words, "We just have to make do cos beggars cant be choosers, really." Btw, the above is merely based on my honest opinion. In3caTe jotted @ 12:26 pm
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