Saturday, May 07, 2005
A handful of you who've been faithfully following this page (I hope) would probably have noticed that I seldom express my true feelings. Try as I may, I catch myself hesitating, wanting to share just enough without revealing too much. And this, is beginning to bug me. Unlike the majority, I started blogging because I had too much time on my hands and all thanks to a certain somebody who inspired me to sit my butt down and put my thoughts into words. I, for one, am known to keep diaries, journals and such but would only pen down something significant, something noteworthy. Oh, and speaking of 'something', I absolutely detest that word. Why? Because it goes to show how limited my vocab is every time I use that word; something = unspecified thing (which I suppose then bred the word 'thingy'). Right, veering back to THE topic at hand, a blog to me is a place where I escape to, to write whenever my thoughts can no longer be contained in this small lil head of mine. The thing is though, I never fail to end up rambling nonsensically about.. nothing even though I started out with having something to write about. GosH!! And it irritates the hell outta me. Can you so see this happening right now, at this very moment !! Anyway, the message I'm trying (so hard) to convey is, I may intend to share a thought but end up not doing so because I'm afraid of being raw, being too open with my readers. I inevitably begin to consider 'whose and whose' feelings and more often than not, the 'what-ifs'. Why is it so difficult to be vulnerable? I truly admire the people who are not afraid to be themselves, online or offline. Right now, the only train of thought in my head is this ... "Be who you are and say what you really feel inside, because the people who mind don't matter, and the people who matter don't mind..." In3caTe jotted @ 7:40 am
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