Monday, May 23, 2005
I'm blogging quite often these days despite the fact that my exams are ON, which is unusual coz I hardly blog even on ordinary (read: happy-go-lucky) days. But now you're getting (if you've actually noticed that is) entries from me almost daily. Just marvelous. I can find e.v.e.r.y other thing to do besides study: clean house, wash bathroom, do laundry, wash kitchen, err.. tidying up my room's still not on my to do list though =P Oh and of course, blog. This will be the death of me I tell you!! Moving on... I've decided to now address cy as cacing. Don't ya think it's much more pleasing to the ears. Hhmmm.. you know cacing, your name keeps popping up on my blog, all over as if mizying is forever stamped on it. You must mean a lot a lot to me. That, or maybe coz your name starts with a C too.. *winks* Neeeexxttttt Whoa, reading my 'my Jesus, my Saviour' post made me see the ~drama-mama~ that I am. HAhaha.. it ain't like I didn't already know but =D *SIgh* Happy reading. Drop me a line if you wish. D0n't be shy. Would like to know how you guys are doing. Good I hope. Or maybe not... I wanna say hello to my very new friend =p *Waves* "Heyyyy". No, Cheryl's not insane. Just bored. And lazy. You know what would be her deadliest sin.. SLOTH. Correction, not what would be but what is. 2days:SINKorSWIM ~float~ Can? +++ SOMEbODY slap me puh-leasseeee thanX In3caTe jotted @ 6:17 am
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