Thursday, February 08, 2007
he says. What have I gotten myself into? Fret not however, for I am prepared to face any torment if it so wishes to come my way. A month ago today, was the last I saw of you. It has ONLY been ONE MONTH so why does it feel like it's been forever? I'm hoping that the rest of February and March will zoom by with a blink of an eye. *blink* ... *blink* ... Throughout our time together, I'd successfully remained detached from my feelings. Nevertheless, there are days when I catch myself thinking of you and it dawns on me just how much I like you and miss you even though I've consciously refrained from doing so. Isn't it silly of me to try to keep my emotions at bay since one can never be too sure when it comes to dealing with matters of the heart? "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" In3caTe jotted @ 4:33 am
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