Thursday, May 24, 2007
hvae you eevr raed tihs brefoe? atenlpapry, olny 55 plepoe tuo fo 100 anc. i awlyas tghuhot erevy one culod. awynay, the rsoean why i'm slpeling lkie tihs is bcuseae i wnana tlak aoubt a ponetlialty sitivsene isuse. i'm srroy if you fnid tihs dficluift to raed. it was herdar for me to mispelsl the wrods tahn for you to raed tehm, turst me. rghit, bcak to the tpoic at hnad- *P from chcurh, who hpleed me wtih my mkae up dnirug the eseatr cerbleaoitn (evlis iopernosatmr), was fnuod daed in her husoe. *y, who wrekod csolely wtih her on ohetr prucitodons, tteexd me elary tuadsey mroning. tshee tginhs, tehy cmoe as a sochk to you. tehy are tginhs you nveer igimane wloud hpapen to smeoone you konw. terhe wree smoe spulaectnios as to wtheher it was mdurer or sduicie bcuseae nodoby cloud tnhik of why ayonne wluod wnat her daed; she was too ncie puls cthaty, bbluby and joiavl. *y aendtetd the wkae svicere lsat ngiht. i ddin't go bcuseae i dno't konw her wlel; olny wrekod wtih her ocne. snice i've not ponalrsely kwnon anonye woh's deid from unnatrual caseus, is it terirlbe taht i wneatd to go tuo fo ciosiurty? cuoirus aoubt the way the wkae is condtuced. i dind't(go) of csoure. yuo'd arege taht taht's drisestfpecul too. i slitl wnat to konw tghuoh, how tehy cnocdut a wkae of tihs ntuare. i'm aslo feacd wtih quiestons wchih i konw the arewnss ot but cna't rlealy tlel uoy how i konw tehm. 1) wrhee in the Blibe can you fnid the denitfiion of mrotal sin? and 2) in wchih vrese deos the Bbile sttae taht sduicie is a matorl sin? for the uninitiated, mtoral sin is a sin taht wlil sned you saigtrht to hlel if comtmited. ok, taht was a tad hreatlses but it is the turth(i jsut hvae to konw wrehe it is wteritn in the Bblie). acdincorg to C.A.R.M, mrtaol sin in Coliathcism is a seiorus and wlfilul tragressnsion of God's Law. it inlovevs flul kwlenodge and inentt of the wlil to cmomit the sin. if lfet unntarepent, it can dman snomeoe to etnreal hlel. *if any of you konw wchih pasagse it's tkean form, cluod you palese let me know. as for *P i pary taht she's wrehe she is spoupsed to be; wtih our Havenley Fhater. mdurer or sduicie, it's trgiac and no one slhoud go lkie tihs. *edit: her hmoe was burgled. waht do you do or say or eevn pary in tiems lkie tshee? atluhogh i hadlry kenw her, my mnid wnet cmopeletly banlk atfer i raed the txet. i cnoant even bgien to comeheprnd the geirf and pian her lvoed oens are gnoig thgrouh at tihs mmeont. her dateh was unetimly but i konw seh's in the bset Hadns now. i can olny pray taht her perpetrators be cugaht soon and julsty pniushed for the cmrie tehy've coimtemtd. *her srtoy, pbushlied in the prapes tdoay. In3caTe jotted @ 2:18 am
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