Friday, June 04, 2010
I just want to write this down lest I trivialise it and forget how it all started. So, me and dad had our regular blood test done 2 Saturdays ago. Last week, I received this weird email from him telling me that he's spent his whole life working hard to provide me with the best yidi-yada. And I'm thinking, "Shits, is there something wrong with his health?" On the contrary, it was mine that had gotten him all worked up. He ended the email with, "Your blood test result for one marker is not good." Aha! The dreaded 'C' word. [Cancer, if you've not caught on.] You see, it's hereditary- on my dad's side: Great grandparents- lung cancer Grandad- lung cancer Grandma- breast cancer Uncle #3- pancreatic cancer Uncle #2- lung + throat cancer Uncle #1- colon + lung cancer You can understand why dad was freaking out when he's gotten a fairly clean bill of health (only the usual cholesterol level etc) and then there was me, his precious daughter's cancer marker setting off the alarm bells. CA19.9 - gall bladder, stomach, pancreas, colon Last Saturday, I had my ultrasound done and all organs looked good (from the outside). So the doc had to do a little more probing. Scheduled to do my endoscopy and colonoscopy today. The preparation was horrendous. AND can't say it's all that pretty, in both the senses. The doc isn't very bright either. But let's see what the doc's meds can do for me. If after two weeks, my stomach/colon doesn't seem to get any better, I'll go seek for a second opinion. In3caTe jotted @ 12:58 am
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