Friday, February 25, 2005
M E M O RIE S Are they? Given, they may not be the REAL thing and probably not half as good either, but aren't memories enough to hold relationships together? Relationships in general, not just lovers. As far as my experiences tell me, it varies between each individual. For some, you can just pick up where you've left off and for others, it just ain't enough. Every single day your mind creates an imprint of the people you come in contact with and stores them in your short term memory bank. At the end of the day, whether you transfer them into you long term memory, filter or block them out completely comes down to this: How important are they to you? And factors such as the degree and the extent to which the relationship was forged are considered too although, I'm pretty sure we do not consciously do this. You may also be amongst the many who are separated from your significant other by 40,000 miles of land and sea. Are memories enough? Do you try to convince yourself of something by constantly repeating it to yourself? Have you ever gone so far as to create false memories and psycho yourself into believing that they really happened? And then you become mad?? HAHah.. Nah, I'm just kidding. But wouldn't it be scary if one's relationship is sustained based on a myriad of illusions... I wouldn't be surprised if there are though. What about death? What if death comes and takes someone away from you? Do you not then hold on tightly to just the memories? Anyway, anyhow, anywho, memories may be lousy substitutes but they are substitutes nonetheless. I believe that people hold on to memories because sometimes, that is all they have, and for some.. 'tis priceless... In someone's words, "We just have to make do cos beggars cant be choosers, really." Btw, the above is merely based on my honest opinion. In3caTe jotted @ 12:26 pm
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
In3caTe jotted @ 4:12 pm
Monday, February 21, 2005
FINALLY, Ms. Icy Cool Winter has warmed up enough to shed more snow. Didn't expect 'her' to grace us with 'her' oh-so beautiful, soft and plush-plush looking flakes since this season's about to end. Ahh well.. guess picturesque sights do make grand entrances. *Sigh* Feels complete now, doesn't it? I would have been left discontented if it didn't snow this time around. To me, Winter without snowflakes' like.. Spring without flowers sprouting about; here, there, everywhere.. Summer without rays of sunlight beaming thru glass windows and bouncing off objects.. Autumn without falling leaves... HHahhaha.. don't know what I'm going on about =p Got carried away with the snow me thinks. Anyway, here are pictures, though not much, of this afternoon's snow. HAha.. or what's left of it. ![]() Bedroom window, behind me. The door on your left is one of the many 'entrances' which leads you, to my home =) Oh, and not forgetting the Ju-On-like stairway you'd encounter on your way in (so claims yj. see how much it occupies his mind. bet e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g is Ju-On to him). ![]() Yes, I had to take a picture with the plant. After all, green is 'mah favouritest colour =) No no, for real, bcuz 'twas green. HAHhaha.. We had a blast after church this morning. Like clowns, right opposite JPC, i-don't-know-who started making them snowballs la, snowsquares la, snowbricks la, and as the saying goes, ladies and gentlemen, the rest is history... ![]() pic courtesy of mizying Was going to bring my camera along to church but it made my bag too heavy. HAhhaa.. we girls!! Or is it just me.. O.o ?? Wish I had though. Anyway, back to the present.. OWWWW!! Fingers pain-the-fool maN!!! Heh! And being with them medics, frostbite and "Why the hand so pain wan ah?" became THE topic while walking over to Goose. Can't blame them though. Hehe.. put me, mel and ej together and someone will go, "What's the fault?". HHAhaha.. Most likely mel ;p It's good tho, she's so passionate in everything she does, you can feel it pulsating in her. Hope to be more like her ... Right, where were we? Mm.. blablabla Goose. Oh yea, had lunch there and then went to shop for my fridge. And here I am. Ok, this is the end. Gonna be a dreadful week ahead, seminars are this week and have to hand in 2 chapters to S.Wolf on Wed. <--- dissertation "cheryL, have you done ur homework yet?" "hehehe.. die la die la ..." Btw, just to bring this to a boringgg end.. Dissertation: Oilspills; Who's fault izzit?!? Who's gonna fork out 'da losses??? Aiyah, which part of the sea is yours??? HAhhah.. made the last one up. There's hardly any disputes on that matter. In3caTe jotted @ 2:36 am
Monday, February 14, 2005
In3caTe jotted @ 1:30 pm
Sunday, February 13, 2005
If you only do what you can do then you're only ever going to do what you can do! But, if you start to do what you cannot do, you'll find you can do what you cannot do. And what you absolutely cannot do, God will do, or a team of incredible people will, who are attracted to the person attempting to do what they cannot do. Don't imagine God will ask you to do what you can do!He asks you to do what you can't do. Then you'll need Him to do it! But you're the one who starts the impossible dream. No-one, not even God, gets inspired by the mediocre. Attempt the impossible, ignore the critics, attract the best, accomplish the unbelievable! - Felix Chu - In3caTe jotted @ 11:32 am
Saturday, February 05, 2005
![]() Miss Angel soo much ...
In3caTe jotted @ 12:34 pm
Friday, February 04, 2005
When you think you're holding up just fine and things are beginning to look good again; new life, new peeps, new purpose, new drive. ANd then!!! Somehow *sigh*, one way or another, the past (stupid!stupid!stupid!) finds its way to you, haunting you and taunting you. That 'can't eat, can't sleep, and if sleep also must creep into your dreams!!' kinda thing. Right, so you tell yourself, "It's ok, it's just momentary, it'll pass. Just stand up to it and be strong. See your doing fine, just fine..." (YEa, whatever la!!!) But it gets too heavy, it's wearing you down and you're tired. You look within and realise that you're still carrying the burden, which you soo thought have started to diminish with time. Or have they?? I'm so consfue??!?!? This is irritating!! Like a mosquito that wouldn't stop buzzing!! IRRITATING aH!!! Bullocks!! I've had it!! I know what you're trying to do maN!! And it's so not going to work. I'm not going down!! No maN, not anymore. I've got Him and you?? you're just pathetic!! you thrive on people's weaknesses, you sick manipulative.. evil.. sluG!! you lowlife son of.. noboDy!! sCumbag!! I haTE you!!! idiot! idiot! idiot! LeavE ME alonE laaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In3caTe jotted @ 12:12 am
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Sunday night.. something unusual happened last Sunday. Was sitting in front of the comp doing some work when I heard a cry, or was it a laughter? Wasn't sure. All I knew was the 'voice', belonged to a female and IT was coming from the outside of my front door, which soo freaked me out!! Anyway, it stopped for about a minute or so and then it started again, continuously. Ok, now I was sure that someone's crying/wailing outside my door. Asked myself, "Should I go check or not?" d-UH!! Of course!! Thinks to self, "Right, I'm in here and she's out there, and I have God. So, nothing to be afraid of, right? Right." I got my butt off the chair, crept to the door, tip-toed ;p and peeked into the tiny hole embedded in the door. And there she was, a blonde young adult-ish girl sitting on the floor in front of the door opposite my house wailing/coughing/sobbing/crying her eyes out. Do something!! "Should I go out there? Maybe she wants to be left alone... Should I? What to say? What to say? Hhmm.. wonder whether she has tissues? I could go give her some and say.. WHAT!!??" Get moving already!! "Ok, ok... Sheesh..." So, I got a handful of tissues, looked into the mirror, brushed my hair ;p (hey.. a girl's gotta look her best when giving emotional support k. HAhAhaha) and headed for the front door. "Hey.. um, I don't mean to intrude and stuff but thought I'd give you.. here..." I passed her the tissues, well.. more like placed them on her lap but I was so overwhelmed by her.. I don't know, sadness, cries.. whatever la. I just bent down and hugged her. She hugged me back and cried.. sumore. Thinks to self, "Ok, sleeve's getting wet. Have to put this in the laundry. Darn!" Cheryl!! Focus!! She's crying, my goSh!! And here you are thinking of your sleeve!! "Right, right." We stayed in that position for a while and then moved away, and I plopped myself down next to her. Of course I didn't ask her whether she was ok bcuz like d-UH!! she wouldn't be crying in the first place now, would she!! I just sat there and teman-ed her, me keeping quiet. Hmm.. come to think of it, I didn't feel uncomfortable or awkward, at all. It felt so.. normal, like we were old buddies or something. Anyway, she then started to apologise for making weird noises in the middle of the night (it was nearing 11pm) and kept going on about how stupid she was, that she doesn't even know why she's crying, and she's getting upset over nothing, so on and so forth ... Which, I'm sure no M.A.L.E species out there would understand. But we do, I did. *Sigh* I felt for her, I could identify with what she was crying about although neither she nor I knew why. It's a woman thing I suppose. Told her to make as much noise as she wanted cuz it REALLY helps. She said she wished men understood women. Asked me how come they didn't *rolls eyes* (no la! didn't do it in front of her). "Well,"I said, "Look at it this way, we do not understand ourselves, how can we expect them to??"*bursts out laughing* "Plus, we don't understand them either!!" *laughs sumore* "Men are stupid" SHE said. *laughs even harder* "Yup, yup, they are" says me (but it's true! sometimes..) note: always agree when comforting another Alrighttt.. I'll get right on with it. Before that though, I'm sure you guys sorta figured out that she has bf problems, right? K.. was just checking cuz some guys really DoN'T get it. Anyway, I thought maybe she would prefer to be alone cuz she stopped crying and I didn't want her to stop bcuz of me. So I told her bla bla bla and that she could just knock on my door if she needed anything. What she said next really made me sad. "I feel so lonely" She then proceeded to pour her out to me.. or rather to herself while I was straining my ears to hear what she was mumbling about amidst the tears and all. "Hhmm.. you know what, let me tell you MY sob story so you wouldn't feel so sad k?" Smiled and winked at her. HAhaahHa.. yea, oh well. "Bla bla bla. Bla bla bla. Bla bla bla.." Yup, summed it all up in 3 sentences and she said, "Oh wow, then you have more to cry for than me." O_O Yes, thank you very much. And then shared with her about 'recovering', 'picking yourself up and moving on'. Yea, basically the things you tell a person so as to encourage them and make them see the brighter side of things. This is getting boring isn't it? I'm getting a bit bored too. Highlight of Sunday night: - felt extremely comfy sitting next to a total stranger who's not an Asian + the fact that she wasn't doing so good - made a new 'friend' - used my sob story to cheer someone else - cracked her up with crappy one liners BUT most importantly, realised that I'm filled with compassion for these people; the broken-hearted. Not judging but just being there. When to say what and when to shut up. In3caTe jotted @ 12:10 pm